LinkedIn Learning (formerly known as has over 16,000 online video courses on topics including business skills, web development, audio and video production, graphic design, and more. Available to Port Moody residents only, due to licensing restrictions.
The personal information and privacy laws of British Columbia require that we obtain your consent before we continue.
The personal information you provide in order to register and use LinkedIn Learning may be collected by the Port Moody Public Library ("the Library") under s.26(c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act for the purpose of delivering digital content to you. Please be aware that any information collected about you or contained within your Library account* will be stored and/or accessed outside of Canada through LinkedIn Learning service provider site over which the Library has no control and which is governed by the terms and conditions of the service provider.
* This information does not include material you have borrowed from the Library.
By registering, you are acknowledging and consenting to the handling of your personal information outside of Canada where the privacy requirements will be different than the requirements of privacy legislation in BC. Please be aware that occasionally LinkedIn Learning may include third party links that may have independent privacy policies.
Please be aware that parents/legal guardians are responsible for their children's use of LinkedIn Learning. While individuals under the age of 13 may use LinkedIn Learning, access to materials restricted in Canada may be done only with the involvement, supervision, and approval of a parent or legal guardian.
Yes, I consent.
Take me to LinkedIn Learning No, I do not consent.
Take me back to the Learning and Research page.
For questions regarding the collection of personal information, please contact our Library Director, Port Moody Public Library's FOI/Privacy Officer.